My Blogs.

Milkmoon is my main blog, the place for photos and musings and snippits of daily life here in the Milkmoon house. Come by and say hi.  

Scenes From The Moth House is a blog of photos and words. Of little vignettes and quiet corners from a place in my head, a place I call The Moth House. Of significant, and also small, happenings there, the wanderings and musings and sad reveries of it's occupants, The Lovers.

~Carnival~ is where I post my music. One of my great loves in life is music, it's something I cannot be without. Carnival is my place to post what I'm listening to. It's really a blog for me, as I have rather eclectic taste in music and don't really expect many others to be right there with me! However, I do love when someone does find something that speaks to them, as has happened. Now that makes me so happy!